Terms of Service

Please read the Terms of Service carefully before you start to use the website www.rishtehaar.com or the mobile application.

By using the website or mobile application, opening an account, or by clicking to accept or agree to the Terms of Service you accept and agree, on behalf of yourself or on the behalf of whom you are creating an account for or any other entity (if applicable), to be bound and abide by these Terms of Service. If you do not want to agree to these Terms of Service or the Privacy Policy, you must not access or use the website and mobile application.

The user “you” of this website “www.rishtehaar.com” and “mobile application” must agree to these Terms of Service. By creating an account and uploading your information on the website or mobile application you agree to mentioned Terms of Services.

Eligibility: To register as a member of rishtehaar.com and post your information, you must be of at least 18 years of age for both males and females. You must use the Email Address and WhatsApp number you own. The website will not be responsible for any damages, you are solemnly responsible for all the information you provide to be correct and yours.

Rights: This website reserves the right in its sole discretion to review each account & block the account of a user at any time without notice. Similarly, every user reserves the right to deactivate/delete their account both temporarily and permanently using the features provided to them.

Rules: This website should not be used for direct or indirect goals of dating, financial aids, data gathering, employment offers, etc. The website should only be used to make contact with those people in whom a user is interested from a marriage proposal point of view.

Confidentiality: By joining this website, you legally permit us to show your personal information, contact details, and pictures. A user's information will only be visible to other users/members who have registered successfully on the website or mobile application. Your contact information will not be visible to anyone until they create an account on the website, this means only the registered members can view each other's contact information.

Copyright Policy: By signing up you agree to not post, distribute or reproduce in any way any material, information, or sensitive data. If anyone is caught sharing, distributing, or reproducing data from this website to any other website or through using any medium, strict action will be held against that person according to the law.

Notice: All liability including the damages, losses, civil or criminal activity of any kind from inside or out of this site is on the user of the site. Research is due on every user to make sure the information they have seen on the website is correct. Website will not be responsible for any misleading information of any kind. This website’s and mobile application’s sole purpose is to act as the intermediary between two parties.